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Gift Vouchers

It's that time of year again when Gift Voucher sales go through the roof. So just wanted to do a little piece about Amphibian King Gift Vouchers. Some companies for whatever reason make gift vouchers very complicated and theres no need. Before we start just want to highlight there is a difference between a gift voucher and a prize you win at one of the races. They will have their own terms and conditions and an expiry date written on the voucher it might also be for a specific product as opposed to store credit.

Gift Voucher Amphibian King





Our Gift Vouchers

Don't have an expiry date as long as you have the voucher we will redeem it for you.

Our Vouchers don't lose value over time the way some stores  do.

When the voucher is purchased we try and put it also on the customers account so that if the voucher is lost and we can locate the number we may be able to help the customer. Many stores have a lost voucher is the same as cash and will not look beyond that.

If you only spend part of the voucher we can give you a voucher for the balance.


Here is a list from Consumer help Ireland about what you should be looking for in a voucher