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Operation 42k

To celebrate and embrace the essence of what motivates people to take part in a gruelling 42k race Amphibian King will be once again running an Operation 42k Programme.  This is a programme that will partner up with 6 individuals to help them along their journey to achieve the completion of their very first marathon in 2017. 

After reading through each one of the 300 applications very carefully, we have selected the 6 individuals who will now embark on their journey to make their running dreams come true whilst at the same time motivate others to participate in running, no matter what the mileage.  

Meet the Amphibian King Operation 42k 2017 Team:

The team is made up of 6 individuals with varying degrees of running experience.  We look forward to getting to know and training with all the team and hopefully will form some lifetime friendships.

Donnacha McCarthy

Donnacha is originally from Cork and lives in Dublin.  At the age of 10, he suffered sight loss after he developed a rare form of leukaemia which damaged the optic nerves in his eyes leaving him in complete darkness in a matter of weeks.  In 2014 he caught the running bug when he took part in the Mark Pollock Run in the Dark Race.  He has since taken part in a number of races up to half marathon distance and looks forward to completing his first marathon.


Keith Kelly

Keith has been running for a number of years now and got bitten by the bug after a challenging first race in the Phoenix Park in Dublin.  For the past few years, every one of his new year’s resolutions has revolved around running.  In 2014, his goal was to complete at least 10 races.   In 2015, his goal was to participate in races outsides of Dublin (Disneyland California was a highlight!)   In 2016: he wanted to complete his first half marathon (which he completed two in the end - Rock N Roll Dublin and Disneyland Paris).  To date, he has achieved all his resolutions and now as part of Operation 42k will tick off his 2017 resolution to complete the Dublin Marathon.

Keith Kelly Amphibian King Operation 42k 2017


Jeff Brennan

Jeff is a busy Trade Marketing Manager for a well-known brand. He has always had a keen interest in running and has completed in a number of 5 and 10 Km races and has reached the half marathon stage twice.  He has always been an active person but like everybody with busy lives can’t always find the time to maintain his fitness goals.  This programme will allow him the structure to cross the finish line at 42k.

Jeff Brennan Amphibian King Operation 42k Marathon Programme 2017


Sinead Barry

Sinead is a 55 year old, separated mother of six children from Co Kildare.  Having taken up running 3 years ago she credits the importance of running in helping her deal with personal issues.  Despite some personal challenges she always ensures she turns up at each race with a smile and her signature lipstick. It has always been a lifelong dream for Sinead to complete a marathon and she looks forward to sharing her journey with everyone.

Sinead Barry Amphibian King Operation 42k Marathon Programme

Jill O’Herlihy

Jill lives in Co Wicklow and works in Communications and Fundraising for the charity Mental Health Ireland.  She is a mum of two children and three years ago set herself a challenge of completing a half marathon in the Phoenix Park.  As part of the training for this she managed a 10 mile race which she admits she trained well for, but raced badly and once she reached the finish line she no longer wanted to complete the half marathon!  She has recently started back running and slowly building up the mileage and looks forward to the challenge of conquering her first marathon.

Jill O'Herlihy Amphibian King Operation 42k Marathon Programme 2017

Grainne Keane

Grainne started running with her Dad as a teenager and enjoyed watching him complete many marathons.  She stopped running for a while but picked it up again in her mid-twenties and now a busy Mum of 4 children she has not stopped running since!  Running is a very important part of Grainne’s life and she believes in the enormous benefits both mentally and physically.  Largely due to her love of running Grainne embarked on a career change two years ago to become a fitness instructor.

Grainne Keane Amphibian King Operation 42k Marathon Programme


Amphibian King Operation 42k Programme - Application Details 

Amphibian King is delighted to be the Official retail partner of the 2017 Airtricty Dublin Marathon as part of our sponsorship we are offering people the chance to take part in the marathon and avail of our offer to coach you and give you all the gear you need to make it across the line for your first marathon.

 Dianne Lynch, first time marathon runner in 2016


We are looking for runners who have never done a Marathon before to take part in our Operation 42k. In conjunction with Asics we are offering runners the chance to sign up for the SSE Airtricity Dublin Marathon. We are going to pick 6 people to take part in the challenge. Here is what we need from you.
1) You can’t have completed a marathon before SSE Airtricity Dublin Marathon 2017 must be your first time to run that far.
2) You must be willing to travel to ou...r Ballymount shop for training days and talks during the course of your training.
3) The ideal candidate will be vocal on Social media as we will expect you to do a blog and Vlog.
4) Be available for most of the race series but especially the SSE Airtricity Dublin Marathon.

Now the juicy stuff. What do you get?

1) €500 worth of free gear. That’s always nice right. We will be working with one of our suppliers to make sure you are kitted out in the best gear possible to make your race as enjoyable as possible.
2) Free race entries. Our Coach will be encouraging you to take part in the Race Series as it’s a great way to lead into the marathon. We will get you entries to all of these races and of course look after your entry for the big day itself.
3) Coaching, good coaches get you across the line in the best possible condition. Gary Crossan is 5 times National marathon champion and has coached 100’s to marathon PB’s. He will be working on your programme.
4) We have experience doing this before. Last year we worked with 8 great girls and had a lot of fun along the way. We need the boys to step up this year as it was mostly female entries last year. We are looking for 3 guys and 3 girls.

So how do I enter?

Send and email to Kelly Cheung telling her why you think you'd make a good choice for our 2017 team.